Found this interesting at CCRA website related to charities: Fundraising without an identifiable use or need for the proceeds 63. Registered charities can only raise funds that are necessary to fulfill their mandates. Fundraising activities should not be undertaken simply because the charity has the opportunity to raise additional funds. There must be an identified use or need for the money. Depending on a charity’s particular circumstances, an identified use or need could include funds required for current and ongoing charitable (and other acceptable) activities or funds to be maintained as reserves. However, when a charity has sufficient income for its identified uses or needs, the need for new fundraising may be questionable
Simon Morley
JoinedPosts by Simon Morley
Canada Branch invests in the future
by Simon Morley inin canada the total long term investments of canadian registered charities is $14.7 billion.
this is only long term investments and does not include cash, inventory, land and buildings etc.
keep in mind the information is volunteered by the charity and not verified by the canada revenue agency.
Canada Branch invests in the future
by Simon Morley inin canada the total long term investments of canadian registered charities is $14.7 billion.
this is only long term investments and does not include cash, inventory, land and buildings etc.
keep in mind the information is volunteered by the charity and not verified by the canada revenue agency.
Simon Morley
I checked CCRA website it states:
Line 113
– Long-term investments Report the total cost of long-term investments on hand at the end of the organization’s fiscal period. Include stocks, notes, bonds, and other securities. We consider any investment that has a maturity period of more than one year to be a long-term investment. -
Canada Branch invests in the future
by Simon Morley inin canada the total long term investments of canadian registered charities is $14.7 billion.
this is only long term investments and does not include cash, inventory, land and buildings etc.
keep in mind the information is volunteered by the charity and not verified by the canada revenue agency.
Simon Morley
In Canada the total long term investments of Canadian registered charities is $14.7 Billion. This is only long term investments and does not include cash, inventory, land and buildings etc. Keep in mind the information is volunteered by the charity and not verified by the Canada Revenue Agency.
The WTB&T$ Canada Branch has reported long term investments (2010) of $62,716,482.00. Thats about $600 for every publisher. With the end just around the corner - why invest in "Satan's dying old system"? Oh, yes, thats so we can make those investments for ourselves. Shame on them!!
Simon Morley
Bought with donated funds, sold without accountability to its members. Does anyone have access to the financial statements for WTB&T$? Surely, as a NFP organization public disclosure is required?
Witness Speak: the worst of collection
by grumblecakes inso we all know the jw vocabulary is a weird one.
what words or phrases bugged you the most?.
a few of mine:.
Simon Morley
"Keep us in your care and keeping" (Annoying and repetative)
brothers who during a public prayer insist on starting, adding in and concluding every sentence with Jehovah and interchange it with heavenly father....
"Jehovah we thank you for the opportunity to meet tonight, we deeply cherish your love father. Jehovah, we are indebted to you as our heavenly father and it is by your undeserved forgiveness that we humbly come before you Jehovah. Heavenly father we pray for all our brothers worldwide, please keep them in your care and keeping Jehovah....(ad nausem)"
WT video. Green screen paradise.
by aposta-Z infirst off, i am unable to post this as a link for some reaon.
sorry to make you copy/paste.
but i had to share.... .
Simon Morley
Wow !! casual clothes at the meetings...I can't wait (not)
How will the present-day "anointed" react to their demotion?
by Room 215 ini wonder how they will respond to their demotion to parity with the "other sheep" as mere "domestics" in god's house.
and what about the appontment of a 47 yeard-old to the governing boday?
in my neck of the woods, the word of any forty-something who began partaking would fuel the gossip mill for weeks!
Simon Morley
Room 215: keep in mind not only a 47 year old partaking but he also had to "overlap" which means that the latest he could have started partaking was the memorial of 1992 as Fred Franz dies in December that year, so that puts him at a 27 year old partaking in 1992!!! I can well imagine the raised eyebrows back then if that took place.
I believe thats why the hesitation to come out with any formal announcement - his appointment does not fit with the prevailing "generation" understanding that the annointed that saw 1914 would overlap with the annointed that would see the end. Unless they state the current members are the offical overlappers.....
I have to staop I am trying to make sense of nonsense.
Sobering Reflections on the Planned Reduction in Pages of the Watchtower and Awake!
by steve2 inboth public editions of the watchtower and its bed-mate awake!
are due to halve in pages from 32 to 16. those hoping for a reprieve in the outpouring of crap will be sorely disappointed.
fifty percent fewer pages only means the same old crap is regurgitated less frequently.
Simon Morley
32 to 16, to 8, to 4, to 2, to postage stamp. The reality is that no R&F sees the frog getting boiled. ....postage stamp, to 1 page on the internet, to 4 pages on the internet...whammo! we are back in business and the WT/A gets to keep going in proof of support.
The WT Encourages JWs to learn about the early history of the organization! - 8/15/12 WT
by 00DAD inironically, in today's wt, jws are encouraged to study the early history of the "earthly organization".
like them [the sons of korah], do you have a desire to study and recount the history of the earthly part of jehovahs organization?
the more you learn about gods organization and how jehovah supports his people, the more real gods kingdom will be to you.
Simon Morley
w2012 8/15, p. 12, para. 5 is just a red herring. They will use it to say they never discouraged members from exploring their past. I just wish the R&F would take it literally and scour the internet for the actual truth. I did and the Kingdom of God is now very real to me.
Do JWs really notice significant doctrinal change?
by keyser soze inall of these threads about the 'new light' regarding the fds has got me wondering.
as ex-jws, we've trained ourselves to notice such things.
we tend to treat them as if they're of great significance, even convey a certain level of optimism that it will actually wake some up, make some think, even lead to some sort of mass revolution within the ranks.. do rank-and-file jws really see any significance, or is it just wishful thinking?
Simon Morley
Wikipedia still shows the GB "representing" the F&DS ("the approximately 11,800 remaining annointed wtnesses"). Add to this no mention yet of Mark Sanderson getting elevated to the rank of cardinal. So is Wikipedia still "nu_lite" and therefore good or will the GB = F&DS = GB render it apostate for discussing old_lite that was nu_lite?